Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Senor Frogs burn out on fat tuesday parade

Senor Frogs burned out after a carnavals car shot some fireworks.

The cozumel carnaval parade on fat tuesday, hundrets of carnaval cars and tausends of people where celebrating the fat tuesday parade on the malecon boulevard in cozumel.
When suddenly a firework hit the Palapa of Carlos and Charlies restaurant. The Palapa catched fire in seconds and the whole building burned out. The Cozumel Fire Departement reacts verry good and could stop the fire in between one hour. No one was injured during the fire.
The Parade stoped for while until the fire was deleted. The Parade started again after maybe one and half hour till late in the morning.
The damage of Carlos and Charlies Building is estimated at about 100,000 us.
The City had a verry good evacuation system and the Fire Departement could reach the burning Restaurant verry fast.

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